About the Book: A peek inside the cover. . .
   With this collection of  breathtaking fine artworks,     world  renowned Master Photographer,  Gray Hawn,       unveils her decades  long love affair with Mexico.          At once sensual and spiritual, these  images, accompanied by a poetic exploration of their contents by  Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk,  based on her years of learning from the  Toltec people of Teotihuacan, and a professional analysis by art expert, Phillip E. Collins, and introduction by Consulate General of Mexico Juan Carlos Cue-Vega, together will invite the viewer into a journey of  the country’s colorful, vibrant  diversity of cultures that continue to imbue Mexico with the richness of  flavors, arts, and ancientmysteries  for which it is so treasured. 		All the above participants are deeply grateful for the passionate, dedicated support of this project by Adolfo Ayuso Audrey of The Mexican Consulate, as well as the generosity of time provided by the Toltec people of Teotihuacan & the Mayan people of the Yucatan. It is their love of Mexico that inspired us all.*****************************************************************			Con esta colección de trabajos artísticos finos conmovedores, el mundo Fotógrafo renombrado de Maestro, Gray Hawn, desvela sus décadas amorío largo con México. Inmediatamente sensual y espiritual, estas imágenes, acompañado de una exploración poética de su contenido por Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk, se basó ensus años de aprender de las personas Toltecas de Teotihuacan, y de un análisis profesional por experto de arte, Phillip E. Collins, y la introducción por General de Consulado de Indicación-Vega de México Juan Carlos,invitará juntos al espectador en un viaje de la diversidad colorada y vibrante de país de las culturas que continúansaturar México con la riqueza de sabores, de las artes, y de antiguos misterios para que tan es estimado. 		Todos los participantes antes mencionados están profundamente agradecidos para el apoyo apasionado ydedicados de este proyecto por Adolfo Ayuso Audrey deEl Consulado Mexicano, así como la generosidad detiempo proporcionado por las personas Toltecas de Teotihuacan & las personas Mayas del Yucatán. Es su amor de México que nos inspiró todo.
In English:
En Espanol:
(10% of all profit from BOTH book sales and Fine Art sales from the "Romancing Mexico" Exhibition will go to The Memnosyne Foundation's Cultural Center Programs in Mexico: Centro Cultural Consejo Indigena de Teotihuacan and Centro Cumunitario de Arte Y Filosfia Maya Raxalaj Mayab A.C.)
(10% of all profit from BOTH book sales and Fine Art sales from the "Romancing Mexico" Exhibition will go to The Memnosyne Foundation's Cultural Center Programs in Mexico: Centro Cultural Consejo Indigena de Teotihuacan and Centro Cumunitario de Arte Y Filosfia Maya Raxalaj Mayab A.C.)
Click here to view cover of book.
Click here to place your order today!
Click here to place your order today!
Click image below to view english and spanish pages in book.
Orders for the "Romancing Mexico" coffee-table books will be taken during the "Opening Night" exhibition at the Mexican Consulate in Dallas where it will run from Saturday, September 18th to Friday, December 3rd

But if you can't make it to the opening, you can still enjoy Gray Hawn's breathtaking Fine Art Photography by purchasing your books online!

10% of the profits made from each book will go to support the Memnosyne Foundation's Cultural Center Programs in Mexico....so make your early holiday shopping also be a gift towards helping others!